Djila-tjarriu Reserve Playground, Donegal Drive, Alfredton

There is a huge pyramid rope climbing frame in the middle surrounded by a bike track for young kids. On the side is a birds nest swing, two standard swings and dual flying foxes with disk seats.
There is a recreation area with combined soccer goals/basketball ring and brick rebound wall with cricket stumps painted on the wall.
Shelter with table, shelter with BBQs, empty shelter, toilets, water tap, shelter with seat, big grassy area surrounded by a concrete track with soccer goals at one end and AFL goals at the other end. There is also a skate park.
On the north side is an interesting play area.

On the east side is an interesting bike track incorporating two circles, straight sections and some skate type elements such as ramps, quarter and box.
9 Donegal Drive, Alfredton 3350 Map