Distillery Creek - Ted's Ridge Track Circuit Walk (Aireys Inlet)

A 4km circuit walk through open heath woodland, with a variety of wattles flowering in late winter and spring. Ted's Track on the ridgeline is a great place to admire terrestrial orchids especially in the springtime. The walk takes you into a forest area where Mountain Grey-gums are a feature. Heathland and forest birds are attracted to the various flowering plants.
Walk Summary
Starting Point: Distillery Creek Road
Time and Distance: 4 km circuit (1.5 hr)
Level of Difficulty: Easy to moderate
Walk Notes
Begin the walk on the right side of Distillery Creek Road just past the end of the private property. Follow the wide firebreak track, watching for the stand of Spreading Wattle which is not common in the Park, and past some quite tall messmates with an open varied understorey that includes Silver Banksia, guinea flowers, Horny Cone-bush and Austral Grass-trees.
The track has two uphill climbs - one quite short, and the other much longer as you approach the top of the ridge.
Once you reach the ridgeline there are some fine coastal views and a small plaque explaining why the track is called Teds Track. Turn left and continue along the top of the ridge taking time to admire the different types of vegetation and the birds that are attracted to the area.
At the end of Teds Track turn left at Snakey Gully Track and walk downhill for about 640 m where there is a track to the right into a forest area that was once a private settlement and is now a pleasant spot to have a rest and perhaps some refreshments. Take some time to admire the Mountain Grey-gums and the Rusty Pomaderris that flowers profusely in the spring.
Having rejoined Snakey Gully Track, proceed downhill to Distillery Creek Road where you will be in ironbark territory. Turn left and walk back along the narrow walking track beside the road until you reach your starting point. Between October and December, you may see some duck orchids as you walk above the cutting.
How to Get There
Turn off the Great Ocean Road at Bambra Road, just east of the bottom shops in Aireys Inlet. Follow the bitumen road alongside the Painkalac Creek valley for 2.5 km to the junction of Bambra Road and Distillery Creek Road. Continue along Distillery Creek Road for another 0.5 km and park in Distillery Creek Road.
Guide to Walks in the Great Otway National Park Eastern Section
You can also purchase a full colour booklet produced by the Friends of Eastern Otways containing detailed track notes and maps for 38 walks in the area from Great Escape Books in Aireys Inlet, the Anglesea News & Lotto or the Angair website.
Distillery Creek Road, Aireys Inlet 3231 Map
Web Links
→ feo.org.au/walks/walk-10-distillery-creek-teds-ridge-track-circuit
→ Friends of Eastern Otways