Location of Disc Golf (Frisbee) Courses in Melbourne and Victoria

Disc Golf is played like traditional golf. However, instead of hitting a ball with a club, players throw a disc from the tee pad to a metal basket.
The free to play disc golf courses in Melbourne are:
Bald Hill Park Disc Golf in Clarinda
Ruffey Lake Park Disc Golf in Templestowe
Stony Creek Disc Golf in Yarraville.
Outside Melbourne the free to play courses are:
Barwon Valley Park Disc Golf in Belmont (Geelong)
Blue Gum Reserve Disc Golf in Cowes (Phillip Island)
Victoria Park Disc Golf (Ballarat)
HP Barr Reserve Disc Golf in Wangaratta. (Discs can be rented from the nearby Wangaratta YMCA Indoor Sports and Aquatic Centre)
Dinner Plain Village Disc Golf
Mount Baw Baw Disc Golf

The following places have Disc Golf courses which can be played for a fee.
Inverleigh Disc Golf in Inverleigh, 30 minutes from Geelong. (The course has 9 baskets with dual tee layouts which provide for beginner and intermediate players. The green fees are $10 per day)
Quarry Hill Disc Golf Course (Located in Bendigo. A nine basket eighteen hole course which is $5 per round)
Licola Wilderness Village Disc Golf in Licola ($10 per round including a disc)
KidsTown Adventure Playground in Mooroopna ($5 per person including a disc. Bookings required)
Rules of the Game:
The aim of the game is to complete each hole in the fewest throws possible. The player with the lowest score for the course wins.
Disc Golf Rules are:
Tee Throws - Each hole begins with a throw from the tee pad.
Lie - The spot where the disc lands.
Throwing Order - Lowest score on the previous hole throws first. After the teeing off, the player whose lie is furthest from the basket throws first.
Fairway Throws - Must be made from the lie. A run-up and follow through is permitted.
Putting - Within 10 metres of the basket, a player may not step past the lie when attempting to throw.

Completion of Hole - The hole is complete when the disc lands in the basket or chains.
Out of Bounds - A disc is Out of Bounds when it is completely surrounded by the out of bounds area marked on the tee sign (one stroke penalty). The next throw is played from the point where the disc was last in-bounds.
Park Courtesy - Always give other park users the right of way. Respect the course - put rubbish in the bins and keep the park tidy.
Playing Technique:

Web Links
→ www.australiandiscgolf.com
→ How to Throw Guide