Diamond Valley Learning Centre (Greensborough)

Diamond Valley Learning Centre is an Adult Community Education Centre. It is a not for profit organisation which is community owned and managed.
You certainly won't find rows of students sitting silently copying from the blackboard.
At DVLC students are encouraged to interact and participate in class activities; There are a range of projects for students to get involved in. For example, our maths class have been involved in monitoring water in the Plenty River through WaterWatch. Excursions are also an important part of most programs. Food is also a very important part of life at DVLC. There is always something to celebrate!
Cnr Diamond Creek Road and St Helena Road, Greensborough 3088 Map
✆ (03) 9435 9060
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ www.dvlc.org.au
→ Diamond Valley Learning Centre on Facebook