Deepdene Park Playground, Whitehorse Road, Balwyn

The Deepdene express has pulled into the station after a nice upgrade. One highlight is a large tram on springs with a driver's compartment (at both ends), passenger seats and a spiral pipe with buttons to move along the pipe to keep passengers entertained and off their mobiles. Make sure you call in at the ticket office to get a ticket (free in the Deepdene Park area).

Under shade sales is a train themed structure with four towers which get taller and taller and are connected by rope bridges. The structure has two wave slides of different heights, ladders, scrambling wall, fireman's pole and nice train engine. There is also a waterplay area under shade sails with a hand pump and rocky channel for the water to flow down. Also an area with monkey bars, spiders web rope climbing frame and short flying fox, four swings and a circle which you spin around on your arms.
Shelter with two tables and BBQs, water tap and next to an oval. There's a toilet between the oval and tennis courts.
Cnr Whitehorse Road and Parkside Avenue, Balwyn 3103 Map