Daylesford - Wombat Falls

These falls on Wombat Creek are located just below the weir wall of the popular Jubilee Lake which is close to the town of Daylesford.
The falls are seasonal and have a height of 4m plus a 5m high weir. There is a short, easy, 50m track to the top of the falls but to get to the base requires a 600m off-track with thick blackberries to negotiate.

See a photo of the falls from the 1920s.
Access - These falls are not officially located on any map. Travel to the Jubilee Lake Holiday Park along Lake Road. At #151 Lake Road there is a bitumen road to the lake. You can either park here or continue on a gravel track to the rotunda near the weir. Just north of the rotunda there is a track with views from above the falls (with a lot of blackberries).
This whole area is infested with blackberries and if you want a view from the base of the falls, scramble down the slope from the top of the falls (blackberry hell) or go back 200m past the rotunda and look for a rough vehicle track. Follow this downhill until you reach Wombat Creek and then follow the blackberry lined creek upstream to the base of the falls (a total distance of about 600m).
Photo Credit: Anthony Car
151 Jubilee Lake Road, Daylesford 3460 Map