Darebin Parklands Spiritual Healing Trail (Alphington)

As you enter Darebin Parklands, you are embarking on a spiritual journey, into the realm of nature and possibilities. As you walk toward the gum trees, let the leaves welcome and refresh you, allow them to relieve any stress, tension and division from your mind, to encourage you to focus on the reason for your visit.
Bunjil created Darebin Creek and surrounding bushland for people to find joy and be at peace within themselves and others. The Wurundjeri clan of the Woiwurrung people care for this land, and have enjoyed it, through many millennia.
Aim of the Trail
The Spiritual Healing Trail is a gift from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community as a gesture of reconciliation. It aims to promote personal good health through improving our emotional and spiritual well-being and a sense of being connected to the land where we reside, to others and most importantly ourselves.
How does the trail work?
The Spiritual Healing Trail is simple. All you have to do is follow the map and directions to get from site to site, and allow the instructions for each site and markers along the track to to lead you through your healing journey.
Starting your journey
From the Darebin Parklands Environment Centre take the track to the north to the starting point of the trail as shown on the map.
Read the welcome and introductory information about the traditional custodians of the land. Take a bottle of water on your journey to cleanse yourself and prepare for your journey by drinking some water. During the first 50 metres of the trail pick up a gum leaf from the ground to carry on your journey. Keep this leaf as your link to the spirit of the land.
To achieve the maximum benefit from the journey, you must be committed to the experience and be prepared to take time to unlock your troubles and create positive space within. The act of cleansing yourself can be likened to blessing yourself.
Using the directions and the map in the brochure, and with the aid of the markers along the path move toward the Gathering site. For best preparation, it is advised that you read the words for all sites before reaching them. The trail is approximately 1.4 km in length and generally takes 1-1.5 hours to complete. Take as much time as you need for your healing journey.

Gather your thoughts. Identify and prioritise your issues.During this stage of your journey, take time to harness the tranquillity and peacefulness of the area and use them to open your mind. Reflect on all the issues of concern you have in your life.
This can be likened to stirring up the water to create a muddy or cloudy area where things cannot be seen clearly. Waiting for clarity teaches us to be patient. This action allows us to realise that you need to step back and not act in haste. If you wait for the water to clear you can look at what there is to see.
When you are confident that you can clearly see your issues that you of concern, divide them into two groups:
1. Issues that you can manage or that you have some control over; and
2. Issues that you can?t manage right now, or which you have no control over.
Once you understand which issues you have some control over and those that you don?t, you are ready to continue your journey to the next stage.
Let the water wash away issues you have no control over.Here you will have to cross the Darebin Creek. Stop at the creek bank to wash your hands to symbolically resolve those issues that you have no control over, or that cannot be resolved at this time.
Do not waste energy on issues that cannot be resolved. Let them go, or put them to one side for the time being. Dealing with those issues that we can control ensures that we channel our energy toward productive activities that will result in a positive outcome or benefit.
Once you have put aside those issues over which you have no immediate control, you are ready to continue the journey through the gum tree lined valley toward a tranquil wetland.
Draw energy from the good things in your life.Take a little time now to consider how you are feeling on your journey. Think of where you have been and use your surroundings to connect yourself with the spirit of place.
Picture a wetland in your mind then probe deeper into the water before you and the diversity of life that it supports. Sometimes things that might look worthless or simple have great value for those who choose to search for it. Consider the richness and fullness of your life.
Think about planning things you can do to deal with the issues confronting you. Store positive values from lessons already learned. Think about developing an action plan to deal with your immediate problems. Will your actions act to sustain growth in your life and others?
Work your issues again through your mind, until you feel satisfied that you can now deal with them and take control of your life.
One step at a time.Walk along the edge of the creek until you find another crossing. There is a fish ladder located here. The ladder is symbolic of the need to take one step at a time to overcome big obstacles.
Take time to meditate on your issues for possible solutions by using this same principle. Think about the small steps you might take to address your problems focusing on what you can do immediately. Like the fish ladder, all of us have some "ladders" to help us on our journey.
Think about people in your family or workplace and the friends you have who can help you. Think about the services and organisations in the community that might also assist.
When you have thought about the first steps to resolve your problems and identified the 'ladders' in your life, follow the trail across the creek and climb to the higher ground.
You're on top of the world and on top of your issues.As you climb the hill, think about the effort that it takes to reach a goal in your life. Take time to sit on top of the hill and summarise the key points of your action plan. Resolve to make the effort to take the first step.
Look back over the journey you have taken. You have made a positive choice to heal yourself. You have chosen some issues that you can do something about and put aside those things over which you have no control. You have resolved to take some simple steps to deal with your issues. You have thought about who or what can assist you in your journey. You have reflected on the richness and worth of your life.
Now make a declaration to yourself to realize in both word and action whatever you have identified during your journey. Congratulations you are on the right path towards a rich, fulfilling and rewarding lifestyle.
To return to the start of your journey, cross over the wooden bridge, walk across the grassy plain and head in a northerly direction back to the Environment Centre, where you will find the car park, picnic area and toilet facilities.
Cnr Smith Street and Bennett Street, Alphington 3078 Map
Web Links
→ Darebin Parklands Spiritual Healing Trail Brochure (PDF)