Dandelion Kids (Caroline Springs)

Dandelion Kids offers social learning groups for children on the autism spectrum.
Social Learning Groups - Mondays
Groups of 3-6 meet weekly to have fun, play and build on their social and emotional learning. The sessions utilise a variety of methods to achieve the group goals including: discussion, role play, social stories, games and craft. We draw on Michelle Garcia Winner's Social Thinking methodology. Social thinking is what we do when we interact with people. Successful social thinkers are able to consider the situation, use prior knowledge and consider thoughts, beliefs, emotions and intentions of others. How we think about people affects how we behave, how others respond to us and our emotions. Our approach is language based and will benefit children with social learning challenges who have solid language and learning skills.
Classes run for 45-50 minutes with a 5-10 minute re-cap for parents at the end of each session so families can follow up at home.
22 Becca Way, Caroline Springs 3023 Map
✆ 0416 104 947
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