Currawong Bush Park to Mullum Mullum Creek Walk (Doncaster East)

This is a 6.5 km energetic walk in beautiful bushland and riverine environments.
Beginning in the native bushland of Currawong Bush Park, this trail takes you through wildlife habitat, past wetlands, along narrow hill tracks, briefly through an urban area and then to the meandering Mullum Mullum Creek.
Start and finish at Currawong Bush Park, Reynolds Road, Doncaster East.
Waldau Village Historic Walk Map

Walk Notes
Begin your walk from the picnic area at Currawong Bush Park. There are toilets and a drinking fountain to prepare for the walk ahead.
Take the central track that directs you to an historic scar tree.
1. The traditional owners of the land, the Wurundjeri had many remarkable ways of creating tools without destroying the landscape. A scar tree is one example. A large piece of woody-bark was removed without penetrating the inner core of the trunk allowing the tree to survive. It was then fashioned into a canoe or shield. Unfortunately this scar tree has since died, but remains here as a reminder of the special significance this place holds to the Wurundjeri community.
Follow the track downhill.
2. Millers Pond is one of several important wetland sites. Wetlands support hundreds of species of insects, birds, mammals, reptiles and of course, amphibians. Here you might hear the local Pobblebonk Frog (listen for a bonk, bonk, bonk) or spy on wader-birds, or even see the crowning head of a Long Neck Turtle. Local wallabies and kangaroos meet here at dusk.
Return to the track and veer left. Follow the shallow watercourse until you come to a footbridge on your right.
3. The area on the uphill side of the path was once a wildlife sanctuary. Here a broad range of kangaroo and wallaby species were kept to allow visitors an up close and personal experience. The enclosure is no longer used although today species such as the Eastern Grey Kangaroo and Black Swamp Wallaby still live here. Evidence of their habitation is everywhere - watch your step!
4. Another bridge will bring you to a short steep section. Keep to the left at the fork in the track, and left again onto a wide vehicle track that runs underneath the powerlines. Turn right and cross the rustic footbridge of the Killjoy track, a narrow picturesque path that follows the contours of the Mullum Mullum Creek. As you push through the foliage and climb over logs, remember to stop every now and again and scan the trees for wildlife.
A pipe track will appear on your right. Ignore this and keep walking straight.
5. Another bridge will bring you to a short steep section. Keep to the left at the fork in the track, and left again onto a wide vehicle track that runs underneath the powerlines.
A short path appears on your right that takes you to Billy Baxter wetlands
6. The Billy Baxter Wetlands is a hidden and quiet place where you might see wetland birds such as the Greater Egret and Australian Wood-duck. Eastern Grey Kangaroos are frequent visitors. Return to the main track when finished.
The path then climbs steeply to a hilltop view under power lines.
7. Take in the views before ducking out of Currawong Bush Park via the gate and walk the length of Orchard Grove.
There is a new track being cut that will replace the need to leave the park. Just before Warrandyte Road, turn left and follow Bellbird Place to the very end.
8. You will find a gate again and a narrow path that follows the fence line and widens as you near the road. Keep to the hillside then drop down via steps to Warrandyte Road.
9. The sounds of traffic are mingled with the sounds of children and the welcome site of coffee umbrellas. Beasley's Nursery and Teahouse offers respite, toilets and refreshments during opening hours before taking the return part of the walk. The Manna Gum Playspace is also located here/
Warrandyte Road is very busy. There is a pedestrian safety refuge at the Deep Creek Road crossing. Continue along the track past the Child Care centre and turn right at Habitat Park Drive and right into Deep Creek Drive. Cross Warrandyte Road and take the path through the trees. Turn right at the juncture and you will emerge at the Beasley's Nursery and Teahouse and Manna Gum Playspace. Reverse to take you back to the Mullum Mullum Trail at Habitat Track Drive. This time turn right on the Mullum Mullum Trail.
10. The Mullum Mullum Trail is a popular track that links with the Main Yarra Trail. 'All Manna of Gums' line the path for the next few kilometres. Manna Gum Eucalypts, Eucalyptus viminalis are recognised by their white trunk rising from a scrubby 'sock' of bark towards the base. Their bark peels off in long ribbons.
The Mullum Mullum Trail is a well maintained mostly flat path that is perfect for wheel walkers and seniors.
11. Manna Gum tree hollows provide shelter for all 'manna' of inhabitants including parrots, possums and sugar gliders. Koalas favour the leaves, and sugar gliders feast on their flowers. Platypus are said to reside in the creek.
12. Up the path there is an old dam from orchard heritage. The orchard trees have gone now but if you look closely you may still see signs of the tree rows. Frogs and birds can be heard all year round and turtles and snakes are seasonal visitors.
There is a small playspace to your right, just above the wetlands and dam.
13. You may have noticed dead trees and fallen branches. Dead trees that are not considered dangerous are left to create habitat hollows. Sugar Gliders and parrots jostle for ownership of these endangered spaces while the fallen branches create food and habitat for ground dwelling insects and reptiles.
A path to your right exits onto Larnoo Drive.
14. This is the location for a future bridge linking Currawong Bush Park with the Mullum Mullum Trail. At the time of writing it has not been completed. In the interim, follow these directions and please note that there is no walking verge on this side of Reynolds Road. Crossing the road is necessary to return to Currawong Bush Park.
Cross Reynolds Road at the lights. Follow the walking path to your left through the trees to stand opposite the entrance of Currawong Bush Park. Reynolds Road is a very busy road with no pedestrian crossing. Please take care!
15. If you have used the new footbridge then simply follow the map to your end point. If not, walk up the Currawong Entrance road back to the picnic area.
This finishes your walk. Time to relax and plan your next adventure.
269 Reynolds Road, Doncaster East 3109 Map
Web Links
→ Currawong Bush Park to Mullum Mullum Creek Walk Guide and Map (PDF)