Croydon Hills Walk (Croydon Hills)

A 3.1 km scenic walk with historic and nature wetlands elements. Refreshments are available on the walk at McAdam Square Shops on Plymouth Road (with a detour).

A route description is:
1. Start at Yarrunga Community Centre. In this area there is a playground with shelter and water tap with bowl, free public tennis courts, outdoor gym and a BMX jumps area. Proceed east along Croydon Hills Drive, cross over road to path in reserve.
2. Follow path through bushland, past a playground, across the gully, staying on north side of the creek.
3. Turn left over footbridge then right to follow southern side of the lake, then right into Lakeside Crescent. There is a rubbish bin here. There is plenty of birdlife along the lake.
4. Turn right into Peppermint Place.
5. Near the bottom of the hill turn left along a gravel track with a lake on the left.
6. Continue straight ahead and uphill, cross over Merrill Crescent and Narr Maen Drive. (In 1939, bush fires came to this area.)
7. Continue on the track through Narr Maen Reserve and along the rear of the houses.
8. After passing the wetland, veer left and continue to the playground at Lemongrove Crescent. At the playground there is a water tap with bowl, bin and shaded seat.
9. Turn left into Narr Maen Drive for a short distance.
10. Turn right into Rosemary Avenue.
11. Turn left into Kingsbridge Court, and then turn right at the 'T' intersection.
12. Turn left into the short downhill track between houses No. 13 and 15.
13. Follow the path to the right alongside the wetland between the pine trees.
14. After crossing the bridge, head towards the tennis courts and the Yarrunga Community Centre.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs should be on-leash during this walk.
86 Croydon Hills Drive, Croydon Hills 3136 Map
Web Links
→ Croydon Hills Walk Guide and Map (PDF)