Croydon Hills Scout Group (1st) (Croydon North)

1st Croydon Hills Scout Group has a Joey scout mob (age range: 5-7), Cub scout pack (age range: 8-10), Scout troop (age range: 11-14), Venturer unit (age range: 15-17) and Rover Crew (age range: 18-25).
Are you looking for opportunities to experience fun, awesome adventure, action packed activities, challenge yourself or just try something you never done before? Then the scouting at the 1st Croydon Hill's Scout Group is just what you are looking for. We have an enthusiastic group with Joeys, Cubs, Scouts, Venturers and Rovers, catering for all youth aged 6 to 26.
At Croydon Hills we endeavour to offer fun, interactive, engaging and challenging activities that any youth will rave about. Scouting offers so much more than the myth of tying knots, camping in old tents or helping old ladies cross the road. At Croydon Hills we don't just debunk this myth, we BUST IT!
In scouting you can be involved in just about anything, from performing arts, adventurous pursuits, to Australian and international events. Along the way you will have plenty of opportunity to make heaps of mates. After all scouting is the original social networking!
New member inquiries are always welcome. We invite you to come along and check us out over three free sessions (Parent involvement is always welcome too).
Based at Hughes Park Scout Hall, Maroondah Hwy, North Croydon.
Cnr Maroondah Hwy and Ramset Drive, Croydon North 3136 Map
✆ 0416 083 870
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ 1st Croydon Hills Scout Group
→ 1st Croydon Hills Scout Group on Facebook