Croydon Community Garden (Croydon)

Croydon Community Garden is located at Trawalla Road, Croydon and covers an area of 3000 square metres. This area is sub-divided into 69 allotments, with allotments being 30 and 36 square metres in size. Allotments are leased out to the residents of the Maroondah City Council seeking to grow cereals, flowers, fruit, herbs and vegetables, as well as sharing ideas in a friendly atmosphere.
There are a number of raised allotments for holders with physical impairments.
Every second allotment has a water tap and hose which services it and the adjoining allotments.
A shed stores garden machinery and tools purchased by the community, as well as tools owned by allotment tenants. A tiller, shredder, lawn mowers, whipper snippers, wheelbarrows and an assortment of gardening tools are available to be used by allotment holders. The shed is attached to mains electricity.
A refectory table and benches are present for use and toilet facilities are available.
Three fixed compost bins are available for grass clippings, vegetable waste and weeds. There are also a number of movable compost bins with rotating cylinders.
The upkeep of Croydon Community Garden is undertaken by allotment holders at working bees arranged throughout the year.
5 Trawalla Road, Croydon 3136 Map
✆ (03) 9723 8123
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