Creswick Museum

Creswick Museum is housed in the former Municipal Offices of the Shire of Creswick, situated in the Creswick Town Hall complex. The Creswick Town Hall was built in 1876 a magnificent two storey National Trust classified building, with a tower and clock. Creswick Museum was opened to the public on November 20th 1970 by Sir Daryl Lindsay. The interior of the building is notable for the magnificent classic winding staircase of local Basalt. From the balcony on the second floor you can look down onto the Exhibition Gallery.
The nucleus of the collection was provided by the late Dr. E.J. Semmens who was a keen collector of photographs and artifacts of Creswick & district. Dr. Semmens believed in saving all items that would be of historical significance, to be held in trust for Creswick and district residents. Creswick Museum has been fortunate to receive several bequests. The collection has been expanded with works of the Lindsay family, especially of Lionel and Daryl. The Lindsays spent their childhood in Creswick. Paintings by Moyle and Tibbitts illustrate Creswick during the goldrush era. Victor Litherland bequeathed to the people of Creswick the paintings in his studio, the Museum has a collection of over 60, some of which are on display. Paintings by Bernaldo and Longstaff are also featured.
Creswick was the place where the New Australasian No. 2 Gold Mining Disaster happened in 1882 with the loss of 22 miners. Over 125 years has passed but it is still the worst gold mining disaster in Australia. Of the 27 miners who were trapped in the mine on the 12th December 1882 only 5 came out alive. The Creswick Museum has a display telling the story and on display artifacts from the mining era, including the lunch pail (billy) on which one of the deceased miners wrote his farewell message.
Upstairs the old Council Chamber is left very much as it was when the Councillors had their last meeting in the room. The walls of the room are covered in portraits of former mayors and councillors.
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70 Albert Street, Creswick 3363 Map
✆ (03) 5345 2845
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