Cranwell Park Playground, Cranwell Street, Braybrook

Cranwell Park Playground, Cranwell Street, Braybrook

The highlight is a mega pyramid rope climbing frame which has a lookout cubby sitting on top and a traverse across to a steep metal slide. There is no other way to describe this except scary as hell.

The main play structure is quite extensive with a wave slide, curved slide, flying fox, rope traverse, stepping stones, log roll, vertical rope net, shop front, walkway, climbing wall, shop front, fireman's pole, speak and listen system, tunnel, tic-tac-toe, steering wheel, clanger to hit against pipes, steps and hanging chain ladder. There is another standalone elevated platform with chain ladder and metal slide.

Cranwell Park Playground, Cranwell Street, Braybrook

Also a kangaroo springer, car springer, birds nest swing, standard swings, lizard and two crocodiles lolling on the edge of the playground area just waiting to practice the deathroll. You have been warned.

Three unshaded tables, unshaded seats, outdoor gym, big rocky elevated area to climb and water tap. There is a concrete path around the playground area and the grassy area had a big slope - don't play ball games unless your are very fit or prepared to lose the ball for ever.

There are nice views down to the Maribyrnong River.



81 Cranwell Street,  Braybrook 3019 Map

Cranwell Park Playground, Cranwell Street, Braybrook81 Cranwell Street,, Braybrook, Victoria, 3019