Corinella Foreshore Walks

Enjoy a 2.3km evening stroll and stunning sunset with views of French Island and Westernport Bay
A sheltered walk with views across the large tidal bay, the Corinella Foreshore Walk is also home to swans and other waterbirds - so don't forget your binoculars!

- Length/Time - 2.3km return / 40 minutes return
- Easy rating with gentle undulations
- Compacted gravel, bluestone gravel
- No Toilets
- Parking available, car park (grass)
- No Designated Accessible Parking
- Unsuitable for wheelchairs
- Suitable for prams
- Bicycles permitted
- Picnic table

This is such a nice area that we did the 5.5km extended loop route along the northern foreshore, past Settlement Point, along the southern side of the point and then back to the starting point skirting the outskirts of the Corinella township. This map shows the route we took.

There's a little car parking area at the corner of Jamison Street and Wetherall Drive at the start of the walk. Initially there is a gravel path with houses on one side and thick vegetation on the other side with some partially obstructed views across the water - there were hundreds of black swans on the water.
If you're feeling a bit tired, there are some seats located beside the trail. You'll pass a set of wooden stairs which lead down to the shore line which is a nice diversion.
The track reaches The Esplanade which has a footpath. Just past Albon Street there are two unshaded tables beside the footpath. You then pass a series of jetties, boat ramp, bins and an unshaded table.
From this point, we walked along the beach because the tide was out. After 150m there's a wooden staircase back to the cliff top above where there is a dirt track through the bush to follow to Settlement Point.

There's a little detour to a lookout point at the top of the cliff which overlooks Pelican Island. In this area are two unshaded tables. You then pass another lookout point which has spectacular vistas of cliffs and the water below.

You then pass through an area of pine trees. Keep to the path because there are unstable cliffs.
A set of stairs then lead down to the beach. Turn left at the beach and after 90m there's a dog off-leash beach area. The cliff face is quite susceptible to rockfalls so make sure you keep more than 5m back from the cliff face. The beach was covered in seaweed and looks like access might be cut off at high tide. As you go further along the beach there is less seaweed and the beach is covered in shells rather than seaweed (which is a nice change for those who admire sea-shells rather than seaweed). After 150m, there's another staircase back to the top of the cliff.
From this point you can either retrace your steps to the starting point or go directly through the town from Seabliss Crescent (which is part of new development an doesn't appear on Google maps), where there's a rubbish bin. Walk along Cuthbert Street and turn left into Jamieson Street to get back to the start point.
There are signs indicating where you are at a number of points along the walk, so it's quite difficult to get lost. There's no water tap along the walk.
Beach Access
The beach varies from mangroves and mud flats through to rocky platforms, from shallow rocky pools to sandy and shelly beach (see Precincts map below)

Northern precinct- shelley & sandy beach turning to mud flat, accessed from Balcombe St, French Island Close and Jamieson Street. See the many black swans which nest in the area. Westernport is designated as a RAMSAR wetland of international importance.
Jetty Precinct - Limited beach access, beach is sand and rock through to the mangroves to the east, and rock platforms to the west.
Settlement Point Precinct - Rocky platform below the cliffs, accessible from the barge landing area and Jetty precinct. Walking track leads to a look-out platform for views of French Island and Phillip Island, and the rock platforms below the cliffs.
Western precinct - Beach below the cliffs is sandy and shelly with rocky pools and rocks along the beach. Accessible only via the stairs at the end of Beach Street, and at O'Connor Road. Check the tides as parts of the beach are under water during high tides.
Southern Precinct - Accessible at the end of Norsemans Road. Sandy swimming beach.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs permitted on a lead. At one point on the walk you can go down to a dog off-leash beach.
150 Jamieson Street, Corinella 3984 Map