Conservation Hill and Rhyll Inlet Walks (Phillip Island)

Rhyll Inlet is a world-renowned habitat for migratory waders, and the walking tracks in this area allow for good bird observing opportunities. The mangroves and wetlands are listed under the Ramsar Convention as having international importance. Information signs are provided along the walks.

The walks in the area are:
Black Loop - This track starts at Conservation Hill, along the mangrove boardwalk and then continues along Rhyll Inlet to Rhyll. Approximately 1.5 hours return.
Blue Loop - This track starts at Conservation Hill and follows the mangrove boardwalk along to Rhyll Inlet Lookout. Approximately 1 hour return.
Green Loop - Mangrove boardwalk return track. Approximately 0.5 hour return
A summary of the facilities and walks is:
- Difficulty - Easy to moderate
- Start / Finish Point - Car park at Cowes-Rhyll Road
- Boardwalks are accessible for a pram or wheelchair
- Toilets at Conservation Hill car park
- Parking at Conservation Hill car park (gravel)
- Mangrove Boardwalk is suitable for wheelchair
- Suitable for prams
- Bicycles are permitted. Walking tracks in this area are also suitable for bicycles.
- There is a picnic table (but no BBQs)
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are not permitted.
This is a really nice area for walks with a variety of different vegetation zones.
The large Conservation Hill carpark has toilets and a shelter with seats and information panels. Before heading off to Rhyll Inlet, take the short (500m return) walk west to the Lookout point which has expansive views over the inlet and Western Port. The wooden lookout tower has distant views of the wetlands. Take the path up the hill from the tower to two seats and better views.
We did the 4.5km return walk to Mcllwraith Road which passes through coastal woodland, mangrove, boardwalks and farmland with views across Rhyll Inlet. Optionally you can continue for a further 2km to the historic village of Rhyll.
Initially the path is wide gravel (where we saw wallabies grazing late in the day), but later changes to boardwalk and then narrower gravel. At the boardwalk section there is a branch off to a lookout point but that was closed due to safety reasons (looks like a permanent closure).
There are great views over the mangroves and inlet at various points along the walk.
At Mcllwraith Road where we turned around there is a car park, shelter with seats, unshaded tables and seats.
411 Cowes-Rhyll Road, Rhyll 3923 Map
Web Links
→ Rhyll Inlet Wetlands Walk, Phillip Island (Walking Maps)