Cockatoo Little Athletics Centre

Cockatoo Little Athletics Centre

Cockatoo Little Athletics originated back in 1986 by a group of enthusiastic parents. Our main aim is to provide kids with fun, healthy activity in a family /community environment. It is run by a committee of parents and part of the Victorian Little Athletics Association. Through affiliation with this association, Cockatoo Little Athletics are provided with the infrastructure and framework from which to conduct a local program in junior athletics. All registered members are fully insured, are provided with books and resources relevant to the sport and are provided with a wealth of opportunities for further development, competition and coaching.

Winning is not everything at Little Athletics. The main emphasis is on participation, skills development and achieving their personal best. Children learn and practice the key skills of athletics through games and activities.
It's an ideal first sport for children. The running, jumping and throwing activities help develop balance flexibility and strength. The sense of achievement they experience is great for self confidence too.

Anyone can become a Little Athlete!

Cockatoo Little Athletics Centre is located at Mountain Road Recreation Reserve, Cookatoo.


Mountain Road,  Cockatoo 3781 Map

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Cockatoo Little Athletics on Facebook

Cockatoo Little Athletics Centre (Little Athletics Victoria)

Cockatoo Little Athletics CentreMountain Road,, Cockatoo, Victoria, 3781