The Basin Reserve Playground, Cnr Mountain Highway and Forest Road, The Basin

Large, newly built wooden playground in the triangle between Mountain Highway and Forest Road. The main structure has a tower with steps, spiral slide, rope ladder, big (quite difficult) climbing wall, fireman's pole, spiders web climbing frame, flying fox, rope traversing bridge, monkey bars, hanging disks and balance beam. Next to this is a modern climbing frame with horizontal bars, rigid rope frame and small climbing wall. There is also another climbing structure with sloping scrambling wall, metal slide and cubby. Also a bowl which you sit in and spin around, birds nest swing, large sandpit with shelter, two swings and see-saw.
BBQs and plenty of tables and seats (some shaded). Toilets with lovely moth mural and water tap. The landscaping will become more attractive over time.
Cnr Forest Road and Church Street, The Basin 3154 Map