Clunes Bowling Club

Clunes Bowling Club, a small and friendly club, was established in 1878 and is one of Victoria's oldest bowling clubs. The club has two quality grass greens that are available all year round.
Pennant is played on Saturdays and Mondays and runs from October until March. Social bowls is held every 2nd Sunday during the off-Season and Wednesday nights during the season. New members and visitors are always welcome.
The Clunes Bowling Club was inaugurated in 1878 and the town clerk and surveyor, Arthur Bateson, laid out the greens. Although there was some early concern about annexing of land in the middle of the public reserve for a private club, the club has become very popular over the years and has become an integral part of the town.
By the end of the 19th century a pavilion had been erected (approved by council in 1882) and the greens renovated and extended. Films were shown at night as a fundraiser for the club. By 1912 the club was able to play bowls at night, under gas and acetylene lights.
In those early days membership was entirely male, with ladies providing the refreshments. Memberships of the ladies were proposed as early as 1899, but it was not until 1921, with dramatically declining membership numbers, that nine ladies were allowed to join for half the usual subscription fee. In 1924 the Ladies Croquet Club was also using greens. A Ladies Bowling Club was formally started on the 20th of 0ctober 1927 and the ladies contributed considerably to the state of the pavilion and in raising funds. The present club rooms were built in 1965. The men's and ladies club formally merged in May 1987.
Today the Clunes Bowling Club is still quite successful in winning premierships, running social indoor bowls and bare foot bowls for the community.
4 Ligar Street, Clunes 3370 Map
✆ (03) 5345 3240
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