C.L. Cruickshank Park Outdoor Gym (Yarraville)

There are four stations spread across the large park.
Station #1 for warm up and cool down has Achilles stretch, sit and reach, leg stretch, hamstring stretch, thigh stretch and trunk stretch. This is located near the end of Maryston Street.
Station #2 in the north on the east side of the creek has the most equipment and includes pendulum swing (2x), Sky runner, chest press, lat pull down, rowing machine, ski runner, fit rider, vault bar, sit-up and push up. It is located near the end of Bishop Street.
Station #3 to the north on the west side of the creek has a chin-up, step up and body curl. Wilkins Street is the closest access point.
Station #4 which has a log hop, bench dip and bench curl is immediately near the entrance at the corner of Drew Street and Freame Street.
1 Drew Street, Yarraville 3103 Map