C.L. Cruickshank Park Dog Off Leash Area (Yarraville)

The off-lead area is located between Austin Crescent West in the north and Francis Street in the south. Dogs must be on a lead between 8am to 10am and 3pm to 5pm. McNish Reserve which is located nearby and has a dinosaur playground is an on-lead area.
These time restrictions are very limiting for dog owners, especially on the weekends.
The reserve in general has a lot of grassy areas on both sides of the creek dotted with trees.
Stony Creek, which is one of the most polluted waterways in Victoria, due to stormwater pollution, runs through the park. It doesn't look a very attractive colour and probably best to avoid the dog having a dip in the water. There are a few spots with stepping stones to enable dog owners to cross from one side of the creek to the other plus a couple of bridges for the less adventurous.
There are bins and water taps with a bowl located at a number of points, especially near the bridges which cross the creek.
In the northern part of the park a bridge connects Austin Crescent West and Julian Street. North of this bridge is a dog on leash area and there is a playground in this area.
1 Drew Street, Yarraville 3013 Map