City / Regional Kids Activity Resources around the World

Even though we love Melbourne, there are plenty of other kid friendly places to explore around the world. Here is a list of websites which cover kids activities in specific cities or areas:
Little Lattes (Online guide to child friendly cafes, restaurants, holidays & events in and around Adelaide)
Play and Go Adelaide
Kids In Adelaide
Brisbane Kids (Brisbane, Sunshine Coast, Ipswich, Gold Coast)
Is it Child Friendly? (Reviews of Restaurants and Cafes in SE Queensland)
Gold Coast Kids (Queensland Gold Coast)
Sunshine Coast Kids (Queensland Sunshine Coast)
Kids on the Coast (Brisbane, Gold Coast, Sunshine Coast)
Wide Bay Kids (Bundaberg and Wide Bay, Queensland)
Byron 4 Kids
Sydney for Kids
Playing in Puddles (Central Coast NSW)
Kid Size Living (Sydney's Inner West and Sydney Metro)
Time Out Sydney - Kids
A Coffee in the Park (Reviews of playgrounds and other Kids Activities in Perth and surrounds)
Kids Around Perth (Perth)
Visit Perth (Perth)
Buggybuddys (Perth)
Kids in Perth (Perth)
NJ Playgrounds (New Jersey)
L.A Kids Stuff (Los Angeles)
Playground Buzz (Philadelphia)
Chicago Children's Museum (Chicago)
Long Island Children's Museum (Garden City, New York)
Kidspace Children's Museum (Pasadena, California)
Creative Discovery Museum (Chattanooga, Tennessee)
The Children's Museum of Indianapolis (Indianapolis, Indiana)
Cartoon Art Museum (San Francisco, California)
National Geographic Museum (Washington, DC)
The International Spy Museum (Washington, DC)
Children's Museum of Houston (Houston)
The Magic House, St. Louis Children's Museum (St. Louis, Missouri)
The Children's Museum of Memphis (Memphis, Tennessee)
Visit Denmark - Things to do with children in Denmark
Denmark Facts - Denmark for Kids
Eureka! The National Children's Museum (Halifax, United Kingdom)
The Royal Air Force Museum, London
101 Things to do in Wellington, NZ