City of Moorabbin Historical Society (McKinnon)

The City of Moorabbin Historical Societ is a small not-for-profit organisation devoted to preserving the history and heritage of the former City of Moorabbin 1840-1994. It exists for the benefit of the public, as much as for its members.
Among other activities, it acts as the custodian of the Box Cottage Museum, allowing the cottage and its exhibits to be open for viewing by the public. It has an eclectic collection of artefacts from lacework, kitchen equipment, farm machinery and tools, pharmacy, and grocery items.
The society maintains a library of the area's history, and generally acts as a resource for members of the community with an interest in local history and heritage.
Volunteers preserve the artefacts, catalogue and photograph items for Museum Australia Victorian Collections, maintain the gardens and make minor repairs. They visit local schools to display some of the items to encourage children to research the local history and open the Box Cottage Museum for research by students and residents.
Opening Hours:
Box Cottage Museum Opening Times
318 Jasper Road, Ormond 3204 Map
✆ (03) 9579 4467
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ The city of Moorabbin Historical Society on Facebook