City of Heidelberg Bowling Club (Heidelberg)

The City of Heidelberg Bowling Club has two synthetic greens for year-round bowling and is well-lit for night games.
The club is located opposite the Austin and Mercy Hospitals and adjacent to Warringal Hospital. It is near the Heidelberg train and bus transport hub.
Pennant Competitions
Weekend Pennant - Divisions 3, 6, 7
Midweek Pennant - Divisions 2, 4, 5
Social bowls (in casual clothes)
Players from other clubs most welcome.
Thursdays - Three Bowl Pairs - during winter - nominated - prizes.
Wednesday night Twilight Bowls - held weekly from September to May (Encourages new bowlers to learn the game. Instruction given, bowls available, barefeet or flatsoled shoes)
6.30 pm. FREE. Everyone welcome! Our bar is open.
Fridays - Barefoot Bowls from 5:00pm
Club bowls available. Bare feet or flat-soled shoes. Drinks available at our low priced bar, play cards, chat.
Available for new and experienced bowlers.
Our Club coach is available for group or one on one coaching.
Social Activities
Social Bowls - tournaments
Mahjong every Wednesday 4:00pm
Monthly Dinners on 1st Friday of the month
Club Friday every Friday except first Friday of the month - from 4:00pm - our low priced bar is open, bowling, cards, chat, food
Membership & Green Fees
4-8 Stradbroke Avenue, Heidelberg 3084 Map
✆ (03) 9457 1030
Email Enquiry
Web Links