Chelsworth Park Dog Off Leash Area (Ivanhoe)

The park is massive and has six unfenced ovals, tennis courts, two pavilions, toilets (in the south east corner), stormwater harvesting system (in the north west corner) and many bins and water taps (without bowls) scattered about.
There is parking along Irvine Road and The Boulevard.
On the east side there is a drain with high steep rock walls and a row of seats to relax on. The pavilion on the east side has a water tap where someone has left a metal bowl for dogs. The southern end of the reserve has thick bushland. Between the two rows of ovals there is a ditch and when we visited there was water in this ditch which provided a nice water play area for our dog. The park is very popular with dog owners and you will always come across other dogs.
Irvine Road, Ivanhoe 3079 Map