Chadstone Calisthenics Club (Hughesdale)

Chadstone Calisthenics Club is a family-friendly member-run club that aims to be inclusive and supportive of our coaches, participants and extended families.
Calisthenics is one of the fastest growing artistic sports - unique to Australia. Children of all ages thrive on the variety and challenges offered in the many facets of Calisthenics - a combination of controlled exercises and gymnastics, marching, singing, simplified ballet, folk and modern dance.It combines the best aspects of sport and art.
Chadstone is a competitive club. Competitions usually begin in July and continue through until October when we compete at Royal South Street, Ballarat. There are approximately 5 competitions throughout the year for our sub-junior, junior, intermediate and senior sections. The tinies do not have as many. An overnight stay is usually required at our Ballarat competition, often with the student missing a day from school or work. All students stay together and our accommodation arrangements are made through the club. Our tinies section do not compete at Ballarat.
33 Brine Street, Hughesdale 3166 Map
✆ 0427 679 042
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→ Chadstone Calisthenics Club on Facebook