Central Reserve Playground, Springvale Road, Glen Waverley

Bit too close to busy Springvale Road and the area is not enclosed. Nice challenging rope climbing spiral net. Close to cricket ground so Dad can watch cricket!
Late news: The playground now has a mid-height fence on the Springvale Road side and is now much safer.
The reserve has a number of recreational and sporting spaces. A multi-purpose sporting reserve, tucked in behind the south oval is one of the largest little athletics clubs in Melbourne, the Waverley Little Athletics and senior athletics club, Athletics Waverley. It is one of the premier grassed athletics tracks in Victoria.
Both the north and south ovals are home to the Monash Tigers (Richmond Cricket Club). In winter the south oval is home to the Glen Waverley Hawks Football Club and the north oval is home to Mazenod Old Collegians Football Club.
The Glen Waverley Community Centre and the Glen Waverley Bowls Club is situated next to the north oval. The reserve has additional recreational spaces including a Skate Park, BBQ facilities, pavilions, toilets, and cricket nets. The Glen Waverley Historical Walk passes through the reserve.
A short walk along Waverley Road leads to the MARC (Monash Aquatic & Recreation Centre) and Glen Waverley Tennis Club.
Cnr Springvale Road and Waverley Road, Glen Waverley 3150 Map
Web Links
→ Athletics Waverley
→ Monash Tigers (Richmond Cricket Club)
→ Glen Waverley Tennis Club