Cavendish - Settlers Walk

Established as a memorial to those Solider Settlers, the mid 50s pioneers, 'Settlers Walk' brings our past back to life via brief stories on plaques affixed to volcanic rocks situated along the river.
The Settlers Walk project was instigated by the Cavendish RSL Sub Branch and undertaken by the Cavendish Townscape Association as our local commitment to Australia Remembers 1945-1995.
The walk was launched by Mr Stuart McDonald, Chairman of Rural Finance Corporation, on 5 August 1995, to remind us of the contribution and benefits attributable to those who acquired land under the Soldiers Settlement Scheme in the Cavendish District.
Entrance to the walk is through the garden beside the Police Station. A plaque can be seen as you enter through the hand gate. Follow via the boardwalk for about 1300 metres along the riverbank to the eastern boundary of the town.
Stop at the sawmill site and imagine the huge red gum logs passing through the whirring saws and the hiss of the steam engine.
Hongsip's bridge reminds us of our Chinese connection when thousands passed through Cavendish on their way to the Goldfields.
Meander along the river's edge taking a moment to view an ancient and picturesque waterhole used by Police troopers surrounded by century old trees and views of vast river flats and the Grampians.
This section of the walk can also be accessed by car via Cameron Street, one block east of the Police Station, with a car parking and picnic area just over the cattle grid on the right.
Peaceful and picturesque vistas, birdlife and beautiful ancient red gums greet you along this section ending with views of the vast river flats and the Grampians forming the backdrop.
The lagoon near the Historic Cemetery has islands planted to vegetation.
Settlers Walk provides 8 picnic table areas, several board walks, 2 footbridges and plaques placed along the river recording historic places of local interest.
Settlers Cottage is open on request for a small donation.
Map of Walk Route

Access for Dogs:
Dogs on leads are welcome along Settlers Walk.
27 Scott Street, Cavendish 3324 Map