Caulfield Park Free Golf Practice Cage (Caulfield North)

There is a free golf practice cage (birdie cage golf practice facility) along Inkerman Road and east of City Of Glen Eira Park Depot in Caulfield Park.
The conditions for using the facilities are:
- Only one person to use the facility a a time.
- Ensure that the door is closed before starting practice.
- The facility to be used during daylight hours only.
- Hitting of golf balls only allowed towards net end of facility.
- The council and its servants and agents accept no liability loss or injury occurring on the facility.
- Users accept they use this area at their own risk.
- No glass is to be brought into the facility.
- No alcohol is to be consumed at the facility.
746 Inkerman Road, Caulfield North 3161 Map
Web Links
→ Location of Free Golf Practice Cages in Melbourne