Cathkin - Cremona Bridge

Located 10 minutes from Alexandra, the Cremona Bridge spans the Goulburn River at Cathkin, once providing access to the then Cathkin Estate (also called Cremona Estate). The Estate was a large parcel of land located around Cathkin and Cremona that was divided into allotments for purchase. Unfortunately, many of the allotments suffered from isolation from the main Cathkin area and railway link. To remedy this, a bridge was proposed to give access into the Cremona allotments and given to tender in 1912.
The tender called for a five span steel re-enforced concrete bridge with, three support girders and bluestone rock abutments, for an agreed cost of just over 1860 pounds. The contract to build the bridge was awarded to John Monash (later Sir John Monash) by the end of 1913.
During construction, plans changed due to cost overruns. The abutments were built of lesser lighter rock instead of the bluestone that the tender originally called for. This change to the construction method was approved by the then Alexandra Shire Engineer Cecil Short, who at the time took public pride in his involvement.
By 1913 the bridge had been constructed and had passed all tests. However the Cremona Estate was not successful, with one land owner taking possession of the several of the allotments by late 1919 and the bridge becoming an unused costly white elephant.
Constant flooding of the Goulburn River before, during and after the construction of the Eildon Sugarloaf Dam, weakened the bridge's two abutments. Costly repairs to the bridge were never undertaken, due to a lack of financial incentive for the Shire, as any money spent would only benefit a very small number or people.
During the November 1934 major flood event, the first of the bridge abutments completely washed away and the bridge end collapsed. It is unknown when the other end of the bridge collapsed, however it is believed to have been by 1940.
The bridge is of historical significance, however is dangerous and all care should be taken around this structure. Accessing of the river and bridge as at your own risk.
1. Travel to Alexandra.
2. Drive north out of Alexandra along the Goulburn Valley Highway (B340) towards Molesworth.
3. At the intersection to Cathkin turn left and continue along the Goulburn Valley Highway until you get to Cathkin.
4. At Cathkin turn left onto the Goulburn Valley Highway and travel 600 m to Ridds Road on the left.
5. Travel 1 km down Ridd Roads and through any closed gates until you get to the Goulburn River (fishing spot). This is a public access road and you are have the right to travel through these gates.
6. Park at the river travel upstream 350 m to your destination.
Photo Credit: Ash Crill
Ridds Road, Cathkin 3714 Map
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