Yamaha Music Education Centre (Carnegie)

Yamaha provides a unique method of teaching music that allows everyone, from children aged from 3 to 7, to learn music in a consistent education system within a group environment, and students aged 8 and above to partake in private lessons.
While Yamaha's approach is learning through enjoyment, the underlying focus is on the development of the knowledge and skills necessary to provide the means for self-expression and to foster a deep appreciation of music. Beginner courses achieve this through the development of a range of fundamental musical skills. These building blocks of music include pitch, melody, harmony, rhythm, tone colour and musical form.
Yamaha Courses
Music Wonderland Course (Suitable for: 3 years old)
Music Wonderland is a unique course designed to introduce your child to music. By combining singing and keyboard playing with movement and listening, your child will develop fundamental musical skills in a positive and enjoyable atmosphere.
Taught by highly qualified and trained Yamaha teachers, lessons are specifically designed and structured to ensure all activities are engaging and age appropriate. Colourful textbooks and beautifully orchestrated music on CD form part of the Music Wonderland program and are designed to capture the interest of this age group and inspire a love of music in your child.
Junior Music Course (Suitable for: 4-5 years old)
Junior Music Course is a distinctive Yamaha Music Education program designed to provide your child with fundamental music abilities. By offering a comprehensive curriculum, your child will develop an excellent musical foundation with the opportunity to progress their skills.
Children join the Junior Music Course at ages 4 and 5 with lessons focused on providing an age appropriate music education to enable children to reach their full musical potential, now and in the future. The fundamentals of music are systematically taught by highly qualified teachers through listening, singing, keyboard/piano playing, reading, writing and creating in a fun, structured and supportive group lesson.
Junior Fundamental Course (Suitable for: 6-7 years old)
Yamaha's Junior Fundamental Course enables your child to develop essential music skills through multi-faceted approaches. By focusing on keyboard performance and aural development, your child will encompass the necessary requirements to reach their full potential.
A variety of age-appropriate teaching styles are taught by highly qualified educators, utilising skills that challenge and motivate your child, with a focus on developing independence, creativity, self-expression and keyboard/piano playing skills in a dynamic group environment.
The Junior Fundamental Course enables the students to acquire excellent musical skills through a carefully planned curriculum and approach, enabling them to progress to our Junior Step program after one year.
Junior Extension Course (Intermediate)
In the Junior Extension Course, focus is placed on developing the technical and expressive piano performance skills of each individual student. The multi-faceted teaching approach means that students develop the skills to learn together as a group, as well as being motivated to learn many repertoire pieces independently. Along with these piano performance skills, students are also taught more developed ensemble, keyboard harmony and aural skills.
Students in the Junior Extension Course are eligible to sit for a Yamaha Grade Examination each year, where their piano performance, sight playing/reading, hearing (melody and harmony) and accompaniment/improvisation skills are all formally assessed.
Junior Extension Course students not only learn how to play music written by others, but are also taught the technical, analytical and expressive skills required to be able to create their own music and thus participate in Yamaha's world famous Junior Original Concert program.
Junior Step Course (Intermediate)
The Junior Step Course is focused on building upon the foundations of music that were established in the Junior Fundamental Course by developing the technical and expressive piano performance skills of each individual student. Through ongoing support from highly skilled teachers, students are encouraged to work independently to further develop their creative skills and work toward improvisation and composition.
Students in the Junior Step Course are eligible to sit for a Yamaha Grade Examination each year, where their piano performance, sight playing/reading, hearing (melody and harmony) and accompaniment/improvisation skills are all formally assessed.
Junior Extension Course students not only learn how to play music written by others, but are also taught the technical, analytical and expressive skills required to be able to create their own music and thus participate in Yamaha's world famous Junior Original Concert program.
Junior Ensemble Course (Advanced)
Yamaha Advanced Courses produce extremely accomplished and musical pianists, composers, arrangers and performers who have a deep passion for, and understanding of, a wide variety of music and musical styles. The students are able to apply the unique skills learnt in these courses to any musical situation.
Yamaha Advanced Courses' students sit for high-level student exams in the Yamaha Grade Examination System, with some students also completing teacher level exams. They continue to compose longer and more complex compositions and as well as performing in class and city Junior Original Concerts, some students are also invited to perform their compositions in overseas concerts such as the Asia Pacific Junior Original Concert and International Junior Original Concert held each year.
Many graduates of Yamaha Advanced Courses have gone on to develop life-long careers in music - as performing artists (both here in Australia and overseas), composers, members of world-class orchestras and highly regarded music educators.
Yamaha Piano Course (Suitable for: 8 years +)
The Yamaha Piano Course is a private lesson program that caters for beginner to advanced students ages 8yrs and above.
Taught by highly qualified and passionate Yamaha teachers, students will learn from Yamaha's exclusive Pianoforte curriculum that has been designed and developed by the Yamaha Music Foundation Japan and is now taught to thousands of students throughout the world.
Students will learn by completing a series of progressively graded textbooks (with accompanying CD), that are designed to develop many important musical skills through the study of repertoire pieces, technical exercises, scales and arpeggios, sight reading, keyboard harmony, piano duets and music rudiments (theory).
The Yamaha Piano Course consists of 12 levels and as students progress through each level they will have the opportunity to sit an internationally recognised graded piano examination.
Yamaha Guitar Course (Suitable for: 8 years +)
The Yamaha Guitar Course Beginner Level is designed for students who are looking to begin their exciting education journey into the world of guitar. Using the well-established Rockschool curriculum Yamaha Music Education gives its students the chance to learn and develop in an engaging environment and really start to rock out just like their idols through this brand new guitar course. This course is suitable for students wishing to study acoustic of electric guitar.
Yamaha Drum Course (Suitable for: 8 years +)
The Yamaha Drum Course Beginner Level is designed for students who are looking to begin their exciting education journey into the world of the drums. Using the well-established Rockschool curriculum Yamaha Music Education gives its students the chance to learn and develop in challenging, engaging environment and really start to rock out just like their idols through this brand new drum course.
Lessons held at level 1, 1030 Dandenong Road, Carnegie.Location
1030 Dandenong Road, Carnegie 3163 Map
✆ 1300 139 506
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Web Links
→ Yamaha Music Education Centre
→ Yamaha Music Education Australia on Facebook