Cape Paterson Beach Dog Off Leash Area (Cape Paterson)

The off leash area is located on First Surf Beach from Whale Rock, around 250 metres east towards the Channel.
Time Restrictions
Designated off leash area seasonal restrictions apply.
Dogs are only permitted on-leash 1 Dec- 31 Jan and Easter school holidays 10am-6pm. They can be off-leash all other times.
Map of Off-leash Area

Note: Dogs are not permitted on Council managed Cape Paterson beaches (the Bay Beach, First Surf Beach and Second Surf Beach) from 1 December to 14 April each year, between 9.00am and 6.00pm. Dogs must be on a leash at all other times except when in the designated off-leash area.
You can access the off-leash beach access in a number of ways. The best parking is at the Cape Paterson Surf Life Saving Club, 15 Legge Way. From here follow the Cape Paterson Foreshore Walk eastwards until there is a signed wooden staircase down to Channel beach. The off-leash beach is west of the staircase. Alternatively go down to the Cape Paterson First Surf Beach and head eastwards. The dog off leash area is 60m to the left (east).
The beach has a sandy strip, huge expanse of rocks at the shoreline and high cliffs at the back.
15 Legge Way, Cape Paterson 3995 Map