Cape Liptrap Lighthouse (Tarwin Lower)

Situated at Cape Liptrap is the historic lighthouse and scenic lookout.
Cape Liptrap stands upon a rocky cliff top, on a solitary part of the South Gippsland coastline, warning ships of the rocks in treacherous Bass Strait. The first Cape Liptrap lighthouse was established in 1913. It was a 2.1 metre steel tower with an acetylene light. As a keeper was never stationed at Cape Liptrap, it is really the first automatic Commonwealth funded light to be put into service.
The current lighthouse was built in 1951 in cast concrete, and is octagonal in shape. It was converted to mains power in 1970.
The lighthouse is on an isolated point in the Cape Liptrap Coastal Reserve and can be reached easily from Walkerville. Turn into South Walkerville Road then right into the Cape Liptrap Road. There is no restriction of access to the reserve.
There is no access inside the lighthouse and the road to the lighthouse is unsealed.
The easy walk between the car park and Cape Liptrap Lighthouse is wheelchair accessible.
655 Cape Liptrap Road, Tarwin Lower 3956 Map
Web Links
→ Cape Liptrap Lighthouse (Parks Victoria)