Cape Bridgewater - Seals By Sea Tours

Going to see some Seals ... Seal Point at Cape Bridgewater is the largest mainland group of seals in Australia, home to over 1000 Australian & New Zealand Fur Seals and is one of the most popular natural attractions in the South West. A three minute boat ride from our jetty will take you alongside the rock platform and into the Watery Cave where you will experience a unique interaction within the seals' natural habitat. During the 45 minute cruise you will watch the seals play all around you, showing off to the sound of clicking cameras and getting up to antics that will delight both the young and young at heart.
Opening Hours:
Seals by sea tours run every day weather, sea conditions and numbers dependant. We do not run during the three winter months. Times of tours vary day to day however we normally run during the middle of the day. Bookings only need to be made about 2 days in advance but bookings are essential however.
Tour Prices
Bridgewater Road, Cape Bridgewater 3305 Map
✆ (03) 5526 7247
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Cape Bridgewater Coastal Camp (Accomodation)