Paddle Victoria (Templestowe)

The Victorian Canoe Association Inc., (Canoeing Victoria) is the State body responsible for the management, co-ordination, development and promotion of canoeing in Victoria. It represents the interests of its members, the public and the national body (Australian Canoeing).
Canoeing Victoria is committed to the provision of the highest standard of competition, safety, coaching, instruction, education and the creation of opportunities for participation.
Getting Started / Come and Try
Often wondered what canoeing or kayaking was like? We recommend you join us on a two-hour introduction session to teach you the basics of paddling and show you what types of paddling you may be interested in participating in!
Based on the Yarra River at Westerfolds Park Templestowe, Canoeing Victoria and its affiliated Clubs offer two-hour sessions by way of introducing the public to canoeing or kayaking. With a maximum of six boats in the group, and with a qualified instructor or guide to assist, you should have a good understanding of what the sport has to offer.
The Come and Try includes gearing up, a safety briefing and 90 minutes on the water in a double canoe or a single kayak.
From these sessions, many beginners go on to participate in the Basic Skills Award, which is a one day program in which you learn all the basic strokes and how to navigate your boat along the river and learn to do a self-rescue. This award is recognised by the national body, Australian Canoeing. Others paddlers then go onto a Club environment and some continue their paddling along leadership lines. We provide all the equipment - you just need to supply the desire!
Bookings are essential. Courses held at Westerfolds Park.
Opening Hours:
Check the Canoeing Victoria Website at for confirmed dates and costs.
Fitzsimons Lane, Templestowe 3106 Map
✆ (03) 9020 2750
Email Enquiry
Web Links
→ Paddle Victoria State Sporting Organisation on Facebook