Cann River - Alfred National Park

Alfred National Park is recognised for the protection of distinct vegetation communities, in particular warm temperate rainforest, which is of national significance. In an area of 3,050 hectares, many of the vegetation communities within the park contain species of flora and fauna that are uncommon or rare in Victoria. Although there are limited recreational opportunities for visitors to Alfred National Park, it makes a valuable contribution to Victoria's national parks system in the protection of natural and cultural values.
Location and Access:
Alfred National Park is located 480 km from Melbourne to the east of Cann River and is transected by the Princes Highway.
Experiencing Alfred National Park:
Although there is little opportunity for visitors to stop and enjoy the park due to the risk posed by high speed traffic, brief glimpses of the spectacular forested foothills of the Drummer Range may be made while driving along the Princes Highway.
Early in the morning, you may also see Lyrebirds darting across the road and hear the calls of an amazing array of birdlife. From the road, visitors travelling through Alfred National Park will also experience the warm temperate rainforest. Stopping on the side of the road is not recommended so for those who wish to enjoy the rainforest experience on foot, the Bemm River Scenic Reserve on the Melbourne side of Cann River is a great alternative.
Exploring Far East Gippsland:
Alfred National Park complements a number of other parks throughout Far East Gippsland, all of which feature significant values and provide for visitor experiences. The Bemm River Scenic Reserve on the Princes Highway has been developed with walkways and bridges to allow visitors to experience the rainforest environment.
Croajingolong National Park and Cape Conran Coastal Park both feature magnificent coastal environments, while Coopracambra National Park and Errinundra National Park encompass wilderness and mountain forests.
Note: Photos from Parks Victoria
Princes Highway, Cann River 3890 Map
Web Links
→ Alfred National Park - Park Note (PDF)