Cameron Drive Playground, Hoppers Crossing
A wonderfully colourful climbing wall with a 'Finding Nemo' theme on one side and a chameleon on the other side elevates the playground to a favourite for local kids.
There is also a colourful and fun structure for younger kids which has a cafe shop front selling healthy salads for $3.75, tic-tac-toe, abacus and serving table.
The rest of the playground is more standard and has a small pyramid rope climbing frame, colourful and cute bike springer, swings, row of soft mounds on the ground and a structure with wave slide, shop front, various ladders, inclined bridge with half circle steps, fireman's pole, monkey bars and metal flying fox.
There is a basketball half court with a short wall on the side having sea-life motifs, three unshaded seats and grassy area.
22 Cameron Drive, Hoppers Crossing 3029 Map