13 Fun Maths Games for Kids | Free Kids Maths ResourcesMaths skills are vital in early education, and are extremely important for logical thinking required for multiple school subjects.
A great alternative to workbooks and flashcards to help kids practice math and build (03)
13 Fun Maths Games for Kids | Free Kids Maths Resources
A Maths Dictionary for KidsA Maths Dictionary for Kids is an animated, interactive online math dictionary for students which explains over 600 common mathematical terms and math words in simple language.
Arcademic Skill BuilderLearning via Arcade style games. Arcademic Skill Builders are online educational video games that offer a powerful approach to learning basic maths, language arts, vocabulary, and thinking skills.
From the web site: (03)
Cool MathAn amusement park of math and more... designed for fun!
Bored with math?, Confused by math?, Hate math? - Yeah, Coolmath can fix that.
Totally dig math?, Want to learn more math?, Want to get ahead in math? - Yep, Co(03)
Cool Math 4 KidsCool math 4 kids is an amusement park of math and more - especially designed for fun, fun, FUN! Best suited to ages up to 13.
Cool math 4 kids is a math site specially designed for what kids like and how they learn! (03)
Dads Worksheets One Dad. Four daughters. 9,393 worksheets... and counting!
A huge Math resource of worksheets, tools, printables, puzzles and games.
We actually help kids fall in love with math (yes, it is possible) and become rea(03)
IXL MathThis site describes itself as the Web's #1 Math Practice Site - maybe with good reason. There are unlimited maths questions in more than 1,000 topics and students improve their skills and confidence and always have new c(03)
Math Is FunThe idea behind the site is to offer mathematics as well as some fun bits, and to combine the two wherever possible.
The main content of the site is aimed at basic math skills. However you will find some more complex (03)