
Educational type activities on the Internet for kids which are also fun.

e-Learning for Kidse-Learning for Kids

In today's world, children's futures are determined by their ability to master the basics of reading, science, math and computers. Yet costs, class sizes and other issues often prevent children access to quality online l ..

e-Learning for KidsIn today's world, children's futures are determined by their ability to master the basics of reading, science, math and computers. Yet costs, class sizes and other issues often prevent children access to quality online l(03)e-Learning for Kids
Fun BrainFun Brain

The games are grouped in categories such as Math arcade, reading, arcade, and playground. There is also the ability to find a game by grade. The games are quite simple but enjoyable to do and the Playground is a fun area ..

Fun BrainThe games are grouped in categories such as Math arcade, reading, arcade, and playground. There is also the ability to find a game by grade. The games are quite simple but enjoyable to do and the Playground is a fun area(03)Fun Brain
Mister Rogers NeighborhoodMister Rogers Neighborhood

Mister Rogers dishes out some time honoured and sagely advice in addition to providing lovely activities. Includes songs, games, videos and coloring pages. There are not a lot of activities but it is a case of quality ve ..

Mister Rogers NeighborhoodMister Rogers dishes out some time honoured and sagely advice in addition to providing lovely activities. Includes songs, games, videos and coloring pages. There are not a lot of activities but it is a case of quality ve(03)Mister Rogers Neighborhood
PBS Kids GamesPBS Kids Games

Huge number of games in the categories: Reading Games, Letter Games, Number Games, Science Games, Maths Games, Literacy Games, Spelling Games, Vocabulary Games and many other topics. There are areas for each of the PB ..

PBS Kids GamesHuge number of games in the categories: Reading Games, Letter Games, Number Games, Science Games, Maths Games, Literacy Games, Spelling Games, Vocabulary Games and many other topics. There are areas for each of the PB(03)PBS Kids Games
Playful LearningPlayful Learning

A web site with a lovely set of activities to do with your children. Activities are divided into nine categories: reading, writing, maths, social studies, science, arts & crafts, well-being, seasonal and playful spaces. ..

Playful LearningA web site with a lovely set of activities to do with your children. Activities are divided into nine categories: reading, writing, maths, social studies, science, arts & crafts, well-being, seasonal and playful spaces. (03)Playful Learning

This site has games organized by three different age groups: 3-6 years, 6-9 years and 9-12 years old. There are around 10-15 games in each age grouping and the games are not that exciting. ..

ProngoThis site has games organized by three different age groups: 3-6 years, 6-9 years and 9-12 years old. There are around 10-15 games in each age grouping and the games are not that exciting. (03)Prongo
Toy TheaterToy Theater

Toy Theater is a collection of early learning activities to be used as another tool in the teachers toolbox. An eclectic "Theater" of learning toys, Toy Theater is a safe place to play and learn. Toy Theater is aimed ..

Toy TheaterToy Theater is a collection of early learning activities to be used as another tool in the teachers toolbox. An eclectic "Theater" of learning toys, Toy Theater is a safe place to play and learn. Toy Theater is aimed (03)Toy Theater
Victorian Education Channel (FUSE)Victorian Education Channel (FUSE)

This is a Government Channel providing enhanced public access and discovery of educational resources for students of all ages, teachers, parents and the wider community. There the amount of resources is staggering an ..

Victorian Education Channel (FUSE)This is a Government Channel providing enhanced public access and discovery of educational resources for students of all ages, teachers, parents and the wider community. There the amount of resources is staggering an(03)Victorian Education Channel (FUSE)