Bunyip Equestrian Club (Bunyip)

Bunyip Equestrian Club is an adult riding club located at the Pound Road Reserve in Bunyip. the minimum age for members is 18. We focus on the HRCAV (Horse Riding Club Association of Victoria) disciplines and cater for everyone from the most nervous of novice riders to the most competitive of high level rider. We are affiliated with the Horse Riding Club Association of Victoria and have pending affiliation with Equestrian Vic.
We run competitions, clinics, training days and try and put our encouraging, supportive and laid back attitude towards everything we do. Our rallies and events are always inspiring, enjoyable and you wont feel anything but welcomed at Bunyip Equestrian Club.
Pound Road, Bunyip 3815 Map
✆ 0409 665 996
Web Links
→ bunyipequestrianclub.org.au
→ Bunyip Equestrian Club Inc on Facebook (Private group)