Brooklyn Reserve Playground, Nolan Avenue, Brooklyn

The playground has had a great upgrade. It retains some elements of the original playground but has lots of great additions. The playground has an overall theme of native Australian animals and birds with an emphasis on the Wedge-tailed Eagle.
One of the highlights is a big yellow, twisting tunnel slide which is reached by a series of steps. Next to this is the "eagle's nest" which is a series of rope ladders and smaller nests which lead up to the giant nest set high on a pole. Scattered around the area are a two person pommel bounce, plastic tyre swing, horizontal bars and log stumps with starfish and shellfish carvings leading to a structure with flying fox and monkey bars. There is a big telescope, rope hammock, series of musical instruments, outdoor gym and tree stump carving with an eagle, lizard and owl.
At the other end of the playground is a sandpit with a water hand pump to release water into the pit, a digger and a cave structure with rock climbing holds over the surface. Beside the sandpit is a revolving carousel, little structure with slide, cubby and scrambling wall, wildlife carvings and swings including an expression swing where the child and career sit opposite each other.

There is a shelter with two tables and BBQs, water tap, concrete paths circling the playground, basketball court, smallish grassy areas and a metal soccer goal. A nice touch are children's stories and poems embedded into the concrete paths.
30 Nolan Avenue, Brooklyn 3012 Map
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