Brookland Greens Reserve (Cranbourne)

Brookland Greens Nature Reserve is a 12 hectare reserve boasting a number of walking paths which present the smell and texture of a rich variety of plants.
Adjacent to the Royal Botanic Gardens Cranbourne this nature reserve is home to rare species, including the Southern Brown Bandicoot (Isoodon obesulus obesulus), which can often be seen scurrying for cover. Usually found in areas of dense tussocky grasses, bandicoots are also known to survive in farming and semi-urban areas. The small ground-dwelling marsupial has a backwards facing pouch and feeds on insects and fungi buried in the ground, leaving a distinctive conical hole.
Four vegetation communities, consisting of more than 49 native plants have been identified throughout the nature reserve, three of which are endangered. Dominated by two Eucalyptus species, the understory is a mix of Acacia (wattle) species and Melaleuca (tea trees).
Brookland Greens Nature Reserve was acquired by the City of Casey in 2012.
The reserve has seating, interpretive signage and a walking trail.
Brookland Greens Reserve Trails

This reserve is located within a short walk to Cherryhills Drive Reserve which has a BMX track, playground and basketball court.
Access for Dogs:
Dogs are permitted on-lead.
Reserve Restrictions:
No horses, no camping, no motor bikes
A good sized bushland area with lots of wide gravel paths which interconnect which is a good area to have a walk. The negatives are a noisy quarry site on the south side and high-voltage powerlines which run through the area.
There are some information signs beside the track and a number of entry / exit points. There are no bins or water tap in the reserve.
62 Ferndown Drive, Cranbourne 3977 Map