Brim Art Silos

The six disused, 30 metres high, silos at Brim has been transformed by Brisbane artist Guido van Helten into a massive mural depicting four iconic Australian characters.
The actual people which the mural is based is still shrouded in mystery since the artist didn't want the mural to be about specific people. There is even a question of whether a woman is depicted in the work. The mural is about the community and the region. Before beginning the painting, the artist toured Wimmera farms for weeks in order to get to know the locals.
The shirt which Guido van Helten wore while he painted the mural and his paintbrush are on display at the Brim Hotel.
The silo is part of the Yarriambiack Shire Silo Art Trail which will comprise six locations; Brim, Patchewollock, Sheep Hills, Rupanyup, Lascelles and Roseberry. The silos at Lascelles and Roseberry are yet to be painted.
1991 Henty Highway, Brim 3391 Map
Web Links
→ Silo Art Trail on Facebook
→ Brim Silo Art on Facebook
→ Silo Art Locations in Victoria with Map