Breavington Park Playground, Plimsoll Grove, Fairfield
A wooden structure with two different heights for different aged kids. The higher section has a steep wave slide, climbing wall, shop front, fireman's pole, clanger to hit against pipes (kids of all ages will appreciate the ability make noise easily), tunnel and curved ladder.
A rope spiders web climbing frame leads to a lower section with wave slide, small ladder, tic-tac-toe, monkey bars, blackboard and steps.
Also a flying fox with disk seat, birds nest swing, cute sea-horse springer and bright toadstool under a tree. There are a variety of blocks and rocks to traverse across.
Two unshaded tables, standard water tap and a deluxe water fountain with four nozzles - do they expect a herd of camels to pass through? Unshaded seats are dotted about and a good sized grassy area with big shady trees. A concrete runs through the park. The playground was upgraded in 2016.
10 Plimsoll Grove, Fairfield 3078 Map