Boweya - Pangarang Lookout Walk

A pleasant 4.7km walk in the Warby-Ovens National Park past grass trees and other diverse indigenous tree-scapes to a Lookout with sweeping views.

This gravel track is in the north western section of the Warby-Ovens National Park, approximately 10km to the west of Wangaratta. The area is defined by the dry granitic hills of the Warby Range.

There is a directional sign from Wangandary Road where you turn onto Ridge Road. The car park is just off Ferris Road a little beyond the Ridge Road intersection. There is plenty of room for parking.

The walk traverses Red Stringybark (Eucalyptus macrorhyncha), Blakely Red Gum (Eucalyptus blakelyi), She Oak (Casuarina) and White Cypress Pine (Callitris glaucophylla) woodlands to a rocky prominence. Austral Grass Trees (Xanthorrhoea) are a feature.

The views look across the farmland and flood plains west to Dookie at Mt Major and north west toward Tungamah.

The track is never particularly steep. However, there are sections with a modest rise, some erosion, loose rock, sand and dust / mud drifts. If you are unsteady on your feet it might be on the awkward side at times and worth carrying a walking stick.

The lookout area itself is signed. It consists of a prominent range top hillock. It has great views across a patchwork of hills, pasture and cropping land. There is no established track around the hillock as such, but you can tread carefully amongst the rocks, scrub and grass to navigate your way around to enjoy approximately 180 degrees of vista.

Birdlife can be rewarding, with observations of threatened species such as the Barking Owl and Turquoise Parrot possible. Squirrel and Feathertail Gliders also share this habitat with impressive Carpet Pythons. Keep your eyes open! Treat their space with respect.

Map of Route

Boweya - Pangarang Lookout Walk
Interactive Map

Points of Interest

1. Car park
There is plenty of room.

2. Quarantine Area
Phytophthora Cinnamomi fungus infects Grass trees beyond the gate opposite to the walk. To minimise spread, please do not enter.

3. Trailhead sign
This sign clearly points you in the right direction. There is only the one track in and out. Red Box and Red Stringybark woodland marks your entry.

4. Austral Grass trees
Xanthorrhoea. This special species greet you at the beginning of the walk.

5. Paper Daisies
Paper daisies are spread all along the walk adding a yellow flush to the dry woodland even approaching winter.

6. A woodland transition.
Soon you will notice the transition to woodland dominated by Blakely Red Gum.

7. A good sign
New Grass trees appearing in an area in quarantine is an encouraging sign.

8. Blakely red gum
Eucalyptus blakelyi are cousins of the grand River red gum come in all shapes and sizes.

9. The Australian bluebell
Wahlenbergia stricta, was in evidence during our late autumn walk.

10. Jumping Jacks
This busy ant can jump and cause an annoying sting. Try to avoid provoking them by getting in their way.

11. She Oak copse
Casuarina, with their drooping grey green scale leaves and distinctive woody fruit are a personal favourite.

12. White Cypress Pine woodland
Callitris glaucophylla takes its place in the succession of woodlands as you approach the high point.

13. Rock isotomes
Isotoma axillaris are widespread, but nonetheless remain treat when their floral displays are discovered brightening a rocky place.

14. The view - 1

15. A rocky slope
Below the summit

16. The view - 2
South West

17. The view - 3

18. The view - 4

19. Moths on Horehound
Small patches of the invasive weed Marrubium vulgare were in evidence, being helped along its life cycle by numerous moths. Try to avoid aiding its spread by picking up seed on your shoes and socks.

Access for Dogs:

Dogs are not permitted


Pangerang Lookout Trailhead, Ferris Road,  Boweya 3675 Map

Web Links

Warby-Ovens National Park (Parks Victoria)

Warby-Ovens National Park - Park note (PDF)

Warby-Ovens National Park - Visitor Guide (PDF)

Pangarang Lookout Walk (Walking Maps)

Boweya - Pangarang Lookout WalkPangerang Lookout Trailhead, Ferris Road,, Boweya, Victoria, 3675