Bolton Park Playground, Davey Street, Box Hill

Steps lead to a wave slide surrounded by a maze which contains a little table and seats (the destination), shop front, tic-tac-toe, abacus and log rolling type apparatus - however, unless you are a professional lumberjack, be careful because it turns very fast and throws you to the ground.
At the front of the maze is a wooden aeroplane springer and seal springer. The playground was upgraded in 2015 to include a new structure with a wave slide, rope honeycomb climbing wall, flying fox, monkey bars, rigid frame bridge, telescopes and a vertical wooden log with climbing holds and a kookaburra on top - he'll be laughing in the old gum log if you don't reach the top successfully. Swings.
Grassy area, water tap and shaded and unshaded seats. There is a stormwater retention and re-use system at the bottom of the park which processes seven million litres of rainwater each year and has an information board.
Davey Street, Box Hill 3128 Map