Blue Gum Reserve Disc Golf (Cowes)

The free to play course which has concreete tee pads is 543m par 27 with 9 baskets and 9 tees. It is located in the Blue Gum Reserve.
This course is beginner friendly with short holes and few obstacles. Less suited to experienced players.
It is possible to borrow frisbees which are slightly weighted compared to normal frisbees and are easier for beginners from either:
Cowes Library
Address: 89 Thompson Avenue, Cowes
Telephone: (03) 5952 2842
Opening Hours: 10am - 4pm (Monday), 10am - 5pm (Tuesday - Friday). Closed on weekends
Cowes Visitor Information Centre
Address: 91-97 Thompson Avenue, Cowes
Telephone: 1300 366 422
Opening Hours: 9am- 5pm everyday (closed Christmas Day).
A $50.00 cash deposit per hire is required, this will be refunded when the discs are returned.

Frisbee Golf Rules
Tee Throws
Each hole begins with a throw from the tee pad.
Fairway Throws
Must be made from the lie. A run-up and follow through is permitted.
The spot where the frisbee lands.
Within 10 metres of the basket, a player may not step past the lie when attempting to throw.
Completion of Hole
The hole is complete when the disc lands in the basket or chains.
Throwing Order
Lowest score on the previous hole throws first. After teeing off, the player whose lie is furthest from the basket throws first.
Out of Bounds
A disc is out of bounds when it has come to rest beyond the fence lines marked on the map (one stroke penalty). The next throw is played from the point where the disc was last in-bounds.
Park Courtesy Always give other park users the right of way. Respect the course -put rubbish in the bin and keep the park tidy.
120 Dunsmore Road, Cowes 3922 Map