Blackwood Mineral Springs

Blackwood Mineral Springs

Following the discovery of alluvial gold in the Lederderg River in 1854, the towns of Blackwood, Golden Point and Barry's Reef were established. By the end of 1855, these towns had a total population of 10,000.

It is believed that the Blackwood springs were discovered by Chinese miners sluicing the river bed and banks. In 1879 a small area of land was set aside as a reserve around the Blackwood North Mineral Spring, but mining posed a constant threat to the survival of the spring until 1888, when all mining in the reserve was forbidden following a report by Mr E. Dunn, the Acting Government Analyst, who declared the water from the spring as being equivalent to 'Appolinaris' bottled mineral water, an expensive French import.

There was an attempt by Mr Robert Boys of Inglewood to start an 'aerated plant factory' to bottle Blackwood mineral water commercially. However Mr Boys could not obtain a permit to operate his business within the reserve, so the project was abandoned.

A simple rotunda was constructed around the North Blackwood Mineral Spring in 1900 and by 1910 a very picturesque wooden suspension bridge was built over the river and remained there until 1967, when it was replaced by the present concrete structure.

From 1879, when a reserve of 0.4 hectares was created, the protected area was gradually increased to 5.6 hectares in 1948.

Mineral Springs Reserve
It was 1854 when gold was discovered in Blackwood. Within a year 13,000 miners had set up camp. Chinese miners sluicing the Lerderderg River soon discovered the Springs and a reserve was established in 1879. Cross the river for a taste of classic mineral water or if you're feeling game, try the Soda Springs on this side.

There are plenty of swimming and fishing opportunities along the river as well as mining remains to be discovered. Old water races that wind through these hills provide good walking tracks. Native animals to look out for include, the Wombat Ring-tale Possum, Wedge-tailed Eagle and even the occasional Powerful Owl.

Blackwood - Inaccessible forest, gold & springs
Before 1855, Blackwood was a fairly inaccessible forest area that pastoralists had avoided. However gold was discovered in late 1854 and, when reports appeared in the press in March 1855, the population leapt within six months from a handful of men to 13,000 men, women and children.

It was Chinese prospectors who found the mineral springs while working along the Lerderderg River.

In March 1879, an acre of land on the north side of the river was surveyed by the Lands Department and approved as a reserve under the management of the former Shire of Ballan to protect the mineral springs. Mining in the reserve continued until 1888.

In 1974 the administration of the Reserve was assumed by a Committee of Management appointed by the Minister of Lands. This Committee, all volunteers, was also responsible for other Crown Reserves in Blackwood. Great credit is due to the continuing work of this volunteer Committee.

Blackwood's Mineral Water
The Blackwood Mineral Springs Reserve has two mineral springs, approximately 50 metres apart. Both the springs are of the sodium bicarbonate type, but surprisingly, the mineral content of each one is quite different - as is the taste of the water.

Soda / Blackwood South (MS 64A) is a sweet water, containing more bicarbonate and soluble salts than the other and with much less sulphate.
Blackwood North (MS 64B) is an iron-tasting water with a slightly smaller measure of electrical conductivity.

Blackwood Mineral Springs

In 1889 the first wooden bridge over the river was constructed. It and several later bridges were washed away by floods. In 1910 a swing bridge was built. This picturesque bridge remained in use until 1967 when it was replaced by a concrete structure.

Blackwood Mineral Springs

The first rotunda over the Blackwood North spring (MS 64B) was built in 1891.The building of the rotunda over Soda Spring followed much later in 1914.

How mineral springs are formed
The water in our mineral springs starts out as rain. Much of the rain water evaporates again fairly quickly or runs off into streams to be eventually carried back to the sea.

Some of the water, however, seeps into the ground to enter an aquifer - consisting of fractured rock which holds water - where it is stored.

This groundwater in the aquifer flows very slowly; percolating throughout all the cracks and holes in the rock to eventually come out at a natural spring.

Minerals and carbon dioxide
So why is the natural mineral water around the Central Highlands different to other drinkable groundwater?

Essentially, it is the right balance of the minerals and the gas, carbon dioxide, that make it so special.

The aquifer is made of tiny grains of different minerals; the groundwater naturally reacts with some of these. The wrong balance of minerals makes the water brackish; the right balance makes it excellent drinking.

Carbon dioxide is a natural component of ground-waters. When it mixes with water in large quantities, the water becomes pleasantly effervescent (fizzy). The lack of air underground also means the water contains no harmful aerobic bacteria.

Mineral Springs
These waters have travelled deep underground for several kilometres. The mineral springs were described in 1887 by the Government Analyst as the equal of "Apollinaire", an expensive French wine. With a significant reduction in chloride and sulphate concentrations over the last century, they have even improved with age.

Water Race Track
The Blackwood goldfields water race system was one of the longest in the Colony at 100 miles. It enabled sluicing in the hills and gullies, away from the busy river flats. This particular race also drove the huge wheel of the Rip Van Winkle mine.

A French woman, Pauline Banford, was famous for building many races and also because "many a thievish miner carried the marks of her shovel to their graces". Races remain today as walking tracks such as the one from the mineral springs to Moonlight Gully. The race next to the playground will take you to the township via Whalebone Road. Round trip 30 minutes.

Avenue of Honour and Rip Van Winkle Mine
Blackwood Avenue of Honour was formed in 1919 with the planting of 80 pine trees. Only two remain today - either side of the bridge to the Springs. The Avenue has recently been replanted with Chinese Elms. On the upper camping ground, was the site of the Rip Van Winkle Mine. It was constructed in the 1870's after alluvial gold became scarce, Miners dug a quarter of a mile into the hill with several drives off the main tunnel. A huge wheel driven by a water race operated a plant to crush the quartz from the tunnel. The crusher can be seen today in the town centre.


The Blackwood South Mineral Spring is on the carpark side of the river, a pipe set in a small, drained well beneath a rotunda. To get to Blackwood North Mineral Spring, cross the river over the footbridge. This is also a piped spring set in a well under a rotunda.

Flushing include toilets with wheelchair access, BBQs, rotundas (one which contains seating), shelter, tables and seats, kiosk and parking area.

There are scenic walks starting from the Blackwood North Spring (across the bridge) into the Lerderderg State Park:
  • Lake & lookout Walk via Hard Hills, 1.6 km
  • Lookout & lake Walk via Moonlight Gully, 2 km

    We went on the Lookout & lake Walk via Moonlight Gully without looking at a map thinking that the route would be well sign-posted. Unfortunately we continued along Lerderderg Track too far and missed the turnoff to the left to Shaws Lake and the lookout. There was some signage but it was quite confusing. It might be clearer if you take the route via Hard Hills.

    There are walks to Shaws Lake and a lookout leading from

    Natural Mineral Water Quality Advice
    Water from natural mineral springs is untreated and its safety cannot be guaranteed.

    It should not be used as your routine drinking water source as mineral water may contain naturally occurring elements at levels that may be harmful if regularly consumed and microbes that may cause illness.

    Mineral Spring water quality is tested fortnightly for E. coli. and other naturally occurring elements.


    Entry fees are Car $3, Mini Bus $5, Bus $10.
    Money can be placed in the red box at the entrance gate. Money goes to a not for profit organisation that maintains the reserve.

    How To Get There

    Blackwood Mineral Spring

    From Daylesford: Take the Woodend / Trentham road, turn right at the Trentham turn-off (after approximately 21km). At the shopping strip, take the first right (Cosmo Rd) signposted Blackwood. You will reach Blackwood after another 14km. Turn left at the "Town Centre" sign, then right at the hotel, and within 600 metres turn left down a steep hill, pass the caravan park on the right and park on the river flat of the Lederderg River.

    From Melbourne: Take the Western Highway towards Ballarat. Continue past the Bacchus Marsh (54km from Melbourne) and Myrniong turnoffs. Take the next turn off towards Greendale. At Greendale (after 6km) turn right towards Blackwood and Trentham. After 11 kms you will reach Blackwood. Turn right at the "Town Centre" sign, then right at the hotel, and within 600 metres turn left down a steep hill, pass the caravan park on the right, and park on the river flat of the Lederderg River.

    Access for Dogs:

    Dogs are permitted on leash.

    For more information about mineral springs in Victoria, see "From The Spa Country, A Field Guide to 65 Mineral Springs of the Central Highlands, Victoria", published by Edward and Maura Wishart



    41 Golden Point Road,  Blackwood 3458 Map

    Blackwood Mineral Springs41 Golden Point Road,, Blackwood, Victoria, 3458