Bicentennial Park Playground, Scotch Parade, Chelsea

An absolutely delightful play space with lots of whimsical and fun elements for all ages. There are two big mound slides which are the centre piece of the play space. Pick your slide depending on how much excitement you want. Next to the slides is a Smurf village with a music hut, story hut and play hut complete with a mooing cow in the middle of the village.

Other elements include sculptural gardens, a shaded sand pit, Tinkerbelle sand pit, a giant basket swing, hammock, Mount Chelsea Express train, huge green grasshopper and bee springers, stand-on spinners, spiral slide, clock panel, rope climbing frame, stepping stones, rowing boat on rocker, chain traverse, tic-tac-toe, monkey bars, flying fox, wooden structure with various ladders and dual wave slides, circle set at an angle which revolves around and revolving lotus leaf with hand wheel.

There is a Liberty swing. Shelters with BBQs and tables, toilets, seats (including some wonderful curved seats) and water taps are spread around. The area is surrounded by fences with child proof gates.
The area has a basketball court, skatepark, outdoor gym and dog off leash area.
Cnr Thames Promenade and Scotch Parade, Chelsea 3196 Map