Berrys Creek - Mossvale Park

Mossvale Park is a picturesque botanical garden established in a looping meander of the Tarwin River. The plantings in the park include exotic ornamental trees and shrubs.
The park was developed by Francis Moss who established a substantial nursery on the site in the late 1800's and grew vast quantities of deciduous trees. Some of them were planted in the area that is now Mossvale Park by the nursery manager Mr William Gould and his son, George.
In 1946 Woorayl and Mirboo Shires jointly purchased 10 Acres which is the current Park, and declared it a public reserve. A public meeting was convened in the Berrys Creek Hall and the first Committee of Management was elected.
Today Mossvale Park is managed by the Shire of South Gippsland, with the Friends of Mossvale Park providing guidance and volunteer services.
Mossvale Park is located between Mirboo North and Leongatha in South Gippsland.
65 Mossvale Park Road, Berrys Creek 3953 Map
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